We issue several types of coupon code and you should first check which one you are trying to use:

If the code is in the format ABCD-EFGH-IJKL

These codes are issued to a specific email address and can only be used on an order with the same email address. Additionally, they may be limited in the number of times they can be used, and may be restricted to specific packages. You should check the email you received for full details of the offer.

If the code is in the format '123-CODE'

These codes can be used by anyone but may have an expiration date and may be restricted to specific packages. You should check the source of the coupon for further details.

If the code is in the format 'COUPONCODE'

These codes can be used by anyone but have an expiration date and may be restricted to specific packages. You should check the source of the coupon for further details.

If you are still having difficulties, please submit a ticket with details of the code, where it was obtained, and what package you are trying to apply it to.